This post is written in a bit of a rush, but I had to share some news. Today I ran 4 miles and I had little to no pain at all in my right knee!!! I don't want to get my hopes up, or rush to conclusions, but this is the first piece of good news for my knee in a long time. What has attributied to this sudden turn of events? It's tough to say but I have a few ideas.
First, I've been trying to keep very active without strain to my knee. The Jillian DVD has been a good companion and gives me a nice full body workout. Second, after each run I have been doing a regiment of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Third, I've cut down my mileage. Here is the breakdown for this week: Monday - 3 Tuesday - 3 Wednesday - rest Thursday- 4 Friday- rest Saturday - 6 Sunday - rest. And Fourthly, I've been slowing down my pace and trying to control my leg on the down-step.
I've noticed that when this injury first appeared about a month ago my gait was not in control to say the least. I have the bad habit of kicking my legs when I run. Imagine running and kicking a soccer ball the entire time. Instead my movements should be much more controlled. I really focused on my stride in today's run, and I think it paid off.
Gotta run (ha, no pun intended).
Praelegal Uzbekistan Lecture Event
7 years ago
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